
2015-09-15 15:43:43来源:网络

  (2) look, see, watch和watch的用法。

  1) look强调“看”这个动作,是不及物动词,常与at连用,然后接宾语。

  Look! The girl is swimming in the lake.

  Look at the picture carefully. Can you find something unusual?

  2) see 指“看见”某物,强调的是结果。

  They can't see the words on the blackboard.

  Does Lily often go to see a film on Sunday?

  3) watch 指的是“观看”,“注视”之意。

  The twins are watching TV now.

  He will go to watch a volleyball match.

  4) read指“看书”、“看报”、“阅读”之意。

  Don't read in the sun.

  I like to read newspapers when I am free.

  (3) borrow, lend和keep的区别。

  1) borrow意思为“借入”,常常与from连用,是非延续性动词,表示瞬间即能完成的动作。

  Meimei borrowed a book from the library just now.

  May I borrow your dictionary?

  2) lend 是“借出”之意,常常与to连用,同borrow一样,是非延续性动词,只表示瞬间即能完成的动作。

  Uncle Wany has lent his car to Mr Li.

  Could you lend us your radio, please?

  3) keep是“保存”的意思,动作可以延续。

  How long can the recorder be kept?

  The farmer kept the pat for two weeks.

  (4) bring, take, carry 和get的用法。

  1) bring意思为“拿来”、“带来”。指将某物或某人从别处“带来”。

  Bring me the book, please.

  May I bring Jim to see you next Saturday?

  2) take意思是“拿走”,“带走”,把某物或某人从这里“带来”或“拿到”某处之意。

  It looks like rain. Take a raincoat with you.

  Mother took the little girl to the next room.

  3) carry 是“带着、搬运、携带”的意思,指随身携带,有背着、扛着、抱着、提着的含义,不表明来去的方向。

  Do you always carry a handbag?

  The box is heavy. Can you carry it?

  4) get是去某处将某物拿回来。

  Please go to my office to get some chalk.

  There is no water in the bottle. Why not get some?

  (5) wear, put on和dress的区别

  1) wear是“穿着”“戴着”的意思,可以用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽子、戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调“穿着”的状态。

  Tom always wears black shoes.

  He wears a raincoat even when it is fine.

  She doesn't like to wear a red flowers in her hair.

  2) put on是“穿上”“戴上”的意思,可以用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽等。着重于穿戴的动作。

  It's cold. You'd better put on your coat.

  He put on his hat and went out of the room.

  3) dress可以作及物动词和不及物动词,有“穿着”“打扮”的意思。作“穿着”解时,只用于穿衣服,不用于穿鞋、戴帽、戴手套。作为及物动词用时,它的宾语是人,不是衣服。dress sb. (给某人穿衣服),而wear作“穿着”用时,也是及物动词,但它的宾语是物,不是人,即wear sth.(穿着衣物)。

  She always dresses well.

  Get up and dress quickly.

  Mary is dressing her child.

  (6) take, spend 和use的用法。



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